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Happiness Habits to Beat Stress & Burnout
Stop Worry & Frustration, Attract Positives into Your Life, Be a Better Role Model for Your Kids, Build Self Confidence

How to Set Limits with Unreasonable People
One of the biggest stressors I’ve heard from divorcing women is that they’re sick and tired of other people making unreasonable demands...

How to be OK Even When You're Not
You've started the process - it's really happening! - and the papers are filed, you've hired a lawyer. You really didn't want this, but...

Do You Make This Divorce Mistake?
There are lots of ways our emotional blender sabotages us while we're in the process of divorce. Some women suddenly become helpless,...

5 Ways to Deal with Divorce
Getting divorced is like getting thrown into a blender. Emotions run high. Everything familiar has changed! Here are 5 tips for coping...

Who SAYS You're Not Gorgeous?
Who decides what beauty really is? If you feel like you’re too old, too heavy, not beautiful enough, to find a nice partner, think again....

Keep Your Parents Out of Your Love Life!
A lot of what we believe, deep down, about what relationships should look like comes from watching our parents. When I was a kid, I...

9 Ways to Get Your Control Back During (and after!) a Divorce
You’re in the middle of the emotional blender that is divorce, and your thoughts are spiraling and out of control. You're so amped up,...

4 Reasons You Should Stop People Pleasing (and start taking care of yourself!)
Are you a “love chameleon”? That’s what I call it when we constantly seek approval from our partner by changing our beliefs, attitudes,...

4 Ways to Find a Decent Partner (YES, they are out there!)
You’ve been on dating apps, and maybe even had a few dates. All you’re finding are guys who want sex in 5 minutes, or who are already...

5 Reasons You Should Avoid a Rebound Relationship
Breakups are awful! Starting something new right away is tempting, but is it really a good idea? Here are 5 reasons you should avoid...

Life Mantras to Get You Through a Tough Day in One Piece
Mantras aren’t always about religion or spiritual beliefs - they’re tools for learning. You can use them to build self-confidence,...

How to Stop Being Lonely (and Start Being Happy!)
Let me ask you this: What is important to you about having a partner? For so many women, the answer is loneliness. We go to work, take...

Christine's Dating Makeover (and how she did it!)
CASE STUDY: Divorced Woman 'Christine' "I was an attractive 34 year old woman with a great job. I had a big house, a nice car, and I was...

5 Easy Things You Can Do to Restart Your Life After a Divorce
I frequently say that going through a divorce is like getting hurled into a blender. Not only are emotions raw, but everything familiar...

Don't Be a Loser, and Don't Be WITH a Loser
I was interviewed by Ashley Alt (a rockin' journalist!) Here's the link, please read!

Repel "Love Losers" Fast (don't get trapped feeling sorry for them!)
You know the kind. They seem so nice at first. They shower you with compliments and little gifts. You feel like you’re the only people...

How to Stop Waiting for the Next Thing to Happen in Your Love Life
I was going to write an article today about something else. But while I was driving along, thinking about my next client, I realized...

3 Times When It's Important to "Fake It 'Til You Make It."
You’ve heard the phrase: “Fake it 'til you make it.” It means to practice until you master something. Pretend and truth will follow. ...

4 Reasons You Need a Partner with Similar Values
Laura met this guy named Bill. He was such an awesome guy! He held the door open for her, was kind to everyone, treated her like a...

Warning Signs You Might Be Dating a Relationship Loser
So, you’ve been seeing this guy and you’re getting some weird vibes. You’re not sure if he’s a keeper or not, and you’ve had so many...
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