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Happiness Habits to Beat Stress & Burnout
Stop Worry & Frustration, Attract Positives into Your Life, Be a Better Role Model for Your Kids, Build Self Confidence

Love Chameleons: What Are They, and Are YOU One?
Today we’re going to peek into something that SO many of us do to sabotage romance, and might not really even realize it - and the way to...

Life Mantras: What They Are, and How They Help Your Love Life
Mantras? Yes, mantras. They aren’t always about religion or spiritual beliefs - sometimes they’re tools for learning. You can use them...

Come Listen to My Podcast!
Here's the link to listen to the premiere episode of "No More Losers: Dating After Divorce."

4 Ways to Process the Hurt After a Divorce
Divorce is a highly emotional process. Frequently, our ego gets bashed by the lawyers, the ex, feelings of failure, and the dramatic...

How Can You Heal from Past Relationships?
You’ve heard the saying, “He who doesn’t learn from the past is doomed to repeat it.” I want to add something to that: “Those who don’t...

4 Traits Psychic Vampires and Losers Look for When Dating
You didn’t know you had a target on your back, did you? What is it that the losers, jerks, psychic vampires, and Mama’s boys look for...

A Great Article on Divorce - Please Read!
I recently had the honor of being interviewed by Ilyssa Panitz for her column in Authority Magazine. Ilyssa writes articles to support...

A Line Has 2 Sides
The other day, I stumbled across a deck of cards called, “Oblique Strategies,” written by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt that contain little...

Thoughts You Shouldn't Think (and what to replace them with...)
We all have a running dialogue going on in our heads. Our mind is constantly telling us things, like a little devil (or angel, depending)...

I've been away too long. I'm sorry.
I guess I've been so busy creating content and going Live! that I haven't been keeping my blog updated. So let me assure you that I...

Stop Being "Bad" (and start feeling good)
When we were kids, we were told that being angry, irritated, or afraid was "bad." So what do we do with those emotions now that we're...

Stop Pulling Your Hair Out (your boss won't buy you a wig)
We've all been there. We've all had one in our lives: The Boss Who's a Jerk. We need to work, though. And you love your job, except...
Read My Latest Article! It's about Stress & Burnout.
Health Web Magazine published an article of mine - here's the link so you can read it, too! Let me know what you think......

Be the Tornado (how to make it all happen when there’s no time)
This is the #1 concern with my clients: too much to do, and no time to do it. This short video will give you some tips on managing your...

Houston, We Have a Problem (dealing with toxic and negative people)
They’re everywhere. From your nasty boss, to the woman in the next office who hates everything, to your mother in law who criticizes...

Halloween. Wonder Woman. Superman. You? (Who Do YOU Want to Be?)
Who do you want to be? Have you decided? We can use the same “pretend” to build self confidence that we use on Halloween. Watch this...

Perfectionism (vacuuming the pattern off the rug)
How much of a perfectionist are you? Do you think everything has to be absolutely perfect? Are you unable to turn in a report until...

I Hate This Hat. (The REAL way to attract good stuff into your life.)
We hear about this all the time. People try to “manifest” stuff they want. They squinch their eyes shut, put on their woo-woo hat, and...

You are NOT OK! (when you are stressed & burned out)
The shit's hitting the fan, and you think all is well. "Sure, I'm stressed. Maybe burning out. But so is everyone else. It's OK." NO....

Use Attitude to Beat Stress
Here's a short article I wrote for Health Web Magazine. Read it here:
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