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Happiness Habits to Beat Stress & Burnout
Stop Worry & Frustration, Attract Positives into Your Life, Be a Better Role Model for Your Kids, Build Self Confidence

Embrace the Distaste
We all experience moments and situations that are distasteful. Boring meetings or people, going to the dentist, experiencing chronic...

How to Meditate
Meditation is like mindfulness on steroids. We’re taking our brains out of drive and putting them into neutral. The benefits of...

Parents: Tips for Controlling Your Emotions
Here's a little piece I wrote for Learning Success System. Enjoy!

A Little Something to Help Your Meditation & Mindfulness Practice - Literally.
We all have trouble focusing when we meditate from time to time. And sometimes there are just days when it's tough to stay in the...

Benefits and How-To of Meditation
I recently contributed to a great article on meditation. Here's a link so you can read it!

Being Committed to Making a Life Change
Watch the video by clicking the link below:

What is Neuroplasticity? 4 Ways to Use It to Manage Stress
I wrote an article for Consumer Health Digest on this topic. Here's the link:

How Other Cultures Deal with Stress
I recently wrote an article for UpJourney on this subject; here's the link:

Anxiety and CBD Oil
Products and little tips and tricks that we use to alleviate stress and anxiety are like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound. There...

Why Are Superheroes So Important to Us?
Here's a link to an article I wrote for my good friends at UpJourney. I hope...

Anxiety, Depression, & Medication
Depression is closely related to anxiety - it's like two sides of the same coin. Many people with anxiety experience depressive...

Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution. I could write a book on that subject by itself. Here are a few suggestions to make resolving conflict easier, and...

It's Just a Thought...
You've learned about dealing with unwanted thoughts and emotions. Identify, ask why, and challenge with logic. What do we do when there...

Building Confidence
I think the definition of "confidence" is trusting our own judgement in decision making, whether that judgement concerns work decisions...

Active Listening
A necessary skill for successful communication and conflict resolution is Active Listening. Active Listening is when you really hear what...

Working from Home?
Here are some strategies we can use to improve efficiency when working from home: 1. Take a baseline reading of how you're using your...

Tips for Being a Better Partner
When our relationships aren't doing well, it affects the rest of our world, too. Here are some tips for being a better partner: 1. ...

Dealing with a Crappy Day
Bad days happen. They just DO. Since we can't control the ribbons of chaos that flow through our lives periodically, here are some tips...

Bringing Love into Your Life
Been searching for a partner without success? Here are some tips to help in your quest. 1. Love yourself first. Before you can be in a...

Wisdom vs. Knowledge
Knowledge is the accumulation of data points. We can go on the internet, search for a topic of interest, and be provided with pages and...
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