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Anxiety and CBD Oil

Products and little tips and tricks that we use to alleviate stress and anxiety are like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound.  There are two facets to managing anxiety:  the physical and the mental.  

Medication prescribed by a physician for diagnosed GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) is the best way to alleviate the physical causes of anxiety.  The over-absorption of serotonin, dopamine, and/or norepinephrine - the chemicals that affect mood in the brains - are what anti-anxiety medications target.  CBD oil has been a popular over-the-counter remedy that has been recommended by some mental health professionals, but there are huge variations in the quality of available products - and incidents of unhealthy substances included in products that originate from overseas have been detected.  Finding a trusted source of high quality CBD oil is the only way I'd recommend it. CBD oil has been known to interfere with the absorption of other drugs and can be dangerous for those taking medication for a different condition, so checking with your doctor before starting a regimen of CBD oil is essential.

The second facet of dealing with anxiety is mental and emotional healing.  It's necessary to fundamentally change the way we view life in general.  Not only is there a physical component to anxiety, but past experiences and traumas create cognitive distortions in our thinking.  (Simplified, cognitive distortions are when our brains trick us into believing something is true when it's not.  For example, making one mistake doesn't mean we're a bad person.)  

The best way to manage anxiety is to discover BOTH the physical and mental solutions that work for the individual.  This strategy creates a more effective solution.  The more tines you have on a fork, the more food you'll get with each bite, right? We can actually change the neural pathways in our brains - and our brain chemistry, too - by managing our attitudes, perceptions, and thought processes.

I personally tried therapy and medication separately - and had only moderate success.  By putting both together and learning to view life from another perspective, I now function at a normal level - my anxiety doesn't dictate how I think, feel, and behave.  This is the basis for my coaching practice - I want to help others achieve what I did through the effective application of mindfulness and reframing of perspective.

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