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Happiness Habits to Beat Stress & Burnout
Stop Worry & Frustration, Attract Positives into Your Life, Be a Better Role Model for Your Kids, Build Self Confidence

There's a Bucket in My Head
I've been asked why I became a coach. I think the answer everyone expects is, "Because I want to help people." Nope. That's not it. Not...

Dealing with a Toxic Work Environment
Do you cringe on Monday morning when it's time to go back to work? Is the guy in the cubicle next to you a Super Jerk? Is your boss...

Mindfulness, Gratitude, & The New Car Factor: What are They, and How Can They Help Me?
We can't be effective in life - as a worker, a parent, a partner, or a human being! - if we're miserable, stressed out, or angry all the...

Secret Questions to Stop Stress in Its Tracks
I wrote an article for Healthy Living Magazine about using The Power Questions to stop stress in its tracks. Here's the link so you can...

6 Ways to Start Building Self Confidence Right Now
Do you get stressed out just before the Monday morning meeting? Do you feel like you're doomed to spend the rest of your life working a...

6 Techniques to Overcome Discouragement
Are you discouraged because you're stuck working at home? Are you feeling discouraged because there's never enough time to get the...

What the Heck is Mindfulness and How Do I Do It?
Everybody talks about mindfulness all the time. Just what, exactly, does that mean, why should I do it, and HOW do I do it? Learn about...

4 Ways to Handle Criticism (without using a hand grenade)
Do you cringe every time you go to your in-laws? Is your stomach in knots when you have a meeting with your boss? You need to watch "4...

What to Do When You're Afraid of What Might Happen
There's all kinds of stuff happening right now - a pandemic, riots, businesses closing, millions unemployed, kids going back to...

3 Ways to Deal with Being “Bad”
When we were kids, our parents told us that feeling angry, irritated, annoyed, afraid, and other negative emotions was "bad." So what do...

6 Things You MUST Do to Resolve Conflict
Useful information when your boss is being a jerk, your Aunt Rosie is being nosy, and your mother-in-law is driving you to drink.

5 Ways for Moms to Deal with Lockdown Stress (without using a hand grenade)
"New Normal" isn't necessarily normal. This quick video will give you a few tips for dealing with the stress of trying to manage it all....

5 Ways to Handle a Difficult Boss
Your boss is the kind of person who is never pleased. You put the graph on the wrong page of the report, you didn't tell the new hire...

6 Things You Never Thought of Doing to Handle Stress
There are two strategies for managing stress: "Top Down," which means changing our thought process; and "Bottom Up," which means...

"Where's My Team?" - freaked out by working at home - alone
Now the only brainstorming you can do is with the cat - who keeps walking on your keyboard.

How to Deal When Bad Sh** Happens
Not too long ago, I had an accident. It was stupid, really. My husband had just got called back to work after the coronavirus lockdown. ...

Dealing with Daily Distress Part 2
Last week I wrote about how to stay in the moment. Being mindful is the first key strategy in dealing with the pressures of everyday...

What Causes Distress in Daily Life? Part I
There are usually two things that cause distress in our day-to-day experiences. One is unrealistic expectations of reality - how we...

How Do I Stop Self Sabotage?
From a logical standpoint, we say, "Of course I'd never do that!" In the real world, though, we do it all the time. Why is that?
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