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There's a Bucket in My Head

I've been asked why I became a coach. I think the answer everyone expects is, "Because I want to help people."

Nope. That's not it. Not that I don't enjoy helping people - it feels good, and I help other people feel good, too.

It's really because I have this big huge honkin' bucket of information in my brain.

Not only have I helped others with it, but I used it myself. It's logical, makes sense, and I feel better. I don't wake up in the morning dreading the day anymore. I don't think, "I'll be happy when I get THIS!" I'm content with where I am and what I have. I don't make stupid decisions that only feel good for 30 seconds. If someone wants to battle with me or treat me like a jerk, I can handle them. I don't worry constantly about things, or regret what's happened in the past. (Believe me, there could be plenty of THAT!) For the first time in my life, I experience joy. I never knew what it felt like before.

If everyone decided to take some of what's in the bucket, and put some peace and joy into their lives, what would the world look like? What if we all decided that the chaotic circus-y merry-go-round that is the world right now was NOT cool the way it is? And all we had to do to change it was to make ourselves happier?

The way to get there isn't something that can be written about in a "5 minute read" article. I can sum it up for you, though. Here's some of what's in that bucket:

  • Define your value system. Who is the person you want to be? What do you think is important for you to think and do?

  • Stay mindful. The past is gone; we can't do anything about it. The future isn't here yet. The only time and place that's real is here, now. Doesn't it make logical sense to maximize our experience of this moment?

  • Be grateful. We take everything for granted, right? Look at nature. Find wonder, awe, and amazement in it. Do the same with the man-made stuff around you. When we're grateful and mindful, the by-product is happiness.

  • Build your self esteem. Learn to be confident and appreciate yourself. You can't take care of anyone else if you're not taking care of you. That's why you put your oxygen mask on in the plane before you help others!

  • Learn to communicate and resolve conflict. We all have to live on this planet together. Learn to ask for what you want, be kind to others (just because it feels good, if for no other reason). Negotiate and compromise.

  • Have a positive attitude. Be solution oriented. Cooperate, collaborate, and compromise.

Do you want to take a handful of bucket-stuff? Reach out to me, I'd love for you to have it. That's why I'm a coach. I want to make the world a better place, one mind at a time. How would you like to wake up happy in the morning?


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